Our Story

About Us

Silver Lining Senior Care is dedicated to providing high-quality personal care services to valued members of our Arkansas communities.

We are committed to providing high-quality, client-centered, and affordable home care services to our clients to assist them to lead dignified and independent lives in the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Their individual needs are carefully assessed and delegated with their physician and our qualified, trustworthy and compassionate staff.

DeShay Hollis


Silver lining home care

From humble beginnings…

Our caregivers find meaning in serving and building relationships with those in need. Silver Lining Senior Care began back in 2016, but Our core objective remains the same: providing great care for the elderly, disabled and chronically ill, especially those who are at risk of hospitalization or institutionalization. 


If You Need Help or Have Some Question, Consultation with Us

Our Approach

…To Arkansas care.

Our growth continues through the state of Arkansas. We are dedicated in serving our clients the best quality care.

What matters the most


Make a difference in another person’s life.


Keep your word.


Treat others with kindness and dignity.


Be trustworthy and fair.


Set the right example.

We Love What We Do

 Our staff is a group of engaged, energized, and compassionate employees who take ownership for the care and service they deliver each day for our patients. 

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